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“Clear behaviour expectations are consistently implemented and monitored. As a result, students learn in calm, settled classroom environments.”
“Leaders are improvement focused, work well as a team and complement each other’s knowledge and skills. They ensure an orderly and supportive environment that assists students’ learning and wellbeing.”
“The school has a range of effective processes to support acceleration and the achievement of equity and excellence.”
“Families receive regular information about their child’s learning and behaviour, and partnerships between home and school are encouraged.”
2017 ERO Review
I would love the opportunity to show you around our awesome school. Please call the school office, or leave a message using the ‘contact’ page, to arrange an appointment.
Kate Medlicott (Principal)
Whānau, if you have a child that you would like to get involved in netball this term here is the opportunity.
If you would like me to send this home with you child on MONDAY 10th February please email me or alternatively drop into the office to grab this letter and fill in the permission slip.
Friday is the day we have our Whānau Whakawhanaungatanga Day.
Tamariki are at school at the 'normal' time and it is a full day.
Attached is the outline of the day for your reference. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back for the 2025 year.
Come on whānau we have not yet reached 50% bookings and we are aiming for 100% - please get yourselves booked in NOW!
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